Septic System Maintenance Checklist

Monday, February 20, 2023

Now is a great time to check that everything in your home, particularly the septic system, is in good working order. Maintaining a septic system isn’t complicated or time-consuming, but you do need to pay attention to it every now and then to avoid common problems like slow flushing, foul odors, and drain backup.
Whether you’re new to septic systems or have years of experience, review our maintenance checklist to ensure a healthy system!

Maintenance Routine List for a Healthy Septic

Septic system maintenance isn’t a one-and-done event. Having a regular routine is essential for preventing expensive repairs. Plus, following a septic maintenance checklist makes it easier to take care of your system since you won’t forget important tasks.
Here are 10 things that should be on your septic system routine checklist to prevent malfunctions:

1. Inspect your system

Give your septic system an inspection, both inside and outside your home, to catch any issues before they turn into emergencies. Also, always get a professional inspection before buying a home with a septic system so you’re not caught off-guard by a breakdown.

2. Pump the tank, if needed

Septic tanks typically need pumping every three to four years. If you’re due for a service, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Don’t wait! A full tank puts stress on your system, leading to sewage backups and clogs.

3. Fix leaks and drips

Repair leaky plumbing fixtures so you’re not wasting water and filling up your tank unnecessarily. Leaks are particularly problematic during cold months because the low flow of water it creates can freeze lines.

4. Conserve water

Remember to use water efficiently all year long to avoid overloading your septic tank. This is when too much wastewater enters the tank at one time. There are a variety of ways to conserve water and avoid overload like using energy-efficient appliances, taking shorter showers, spreading laundry loads throughout the week, and giving breaks in between flushes.

5. Don’t park cars on the drainfield

Keep cars, machinery, and any other structure off the drainfield as the heavy weight can compress the soil, which reduces its ability to filter wastewater. You should also avoid driving over the septic system area to prevent grass erosion. Grass is important for insulating your system against cold temperatures.

6. Watch out for spongy grass

Pay attention to your lawn so you’ll notice any changes. A patch of spongy green grass over the septic system area is a sign that sewage is leaking out and fertilizing the grass.

7. Properly dispose of household chemicals

Your septic tank needs beneficial bacteria to break down solids, but heavy-duty cleaners can kill them. Switch to septic-safe cleaners when you can and properly dispose of harsh household chemicals to protect the “good” bacteria.

8. Never pour grease down drains

Grease, oils, and fats should never go down your drain or garbage disposal because when they cool down, they can form into clogs. Depending on the amount, you can throw away the substance in the trash or store it in a container to be discarded with other household waste at a local disposal center.

9. Don’t flush certain items

There are many items you should never flush with septic systems because they’re difficult to break down like paper towels, dental floss, cotton swabs, and feminine hygiene products. Did you know that even pet waste shouldn’t be flushed? Basically, only flush what your toilet is designed for.

10. Plant trees away from the system

Tree roots naturally seek out water so if they’re too close to your septic system, the roots can penetrate and clog the pipes. Plant trees away from the system, a minimum distance of their estimated root spread at maturity.

Prevent Septic Problems with a Routine

By following Honey-Wagon’s septic system maintenance checklist, you’ll have a simple routine for keeping your system healthy all year long. In addition, you should work with trusted and experienced septic technicians for peace of mind that your septic tank pumping, cleaning, or inspection is in good hands.
Contact us at 913-681-3563 or 816-525-5100 to schedule a septic service appointment in the Kansas City area!
Staff 2/20/2023