Spring Clean Your Septic Tank
As temperatures start to rise and flowers begin to bloom, it's time to officially welcome spring - and with it, spring cleaning.
April showers may bring May flowers, but they also produce heavy rainfall and flooding, which can wreak havoc for ill-prepared septic systems. It's not just septic tank pumping that helps keep your system working efficiently, it's also the products you use and how tidy your yard is.
Here are some spring cleaning to-dos to keep your septic tank in tip-top shape:
1. Schedule a Septic Tank Pumping
While this isn't necessary every year, if your septic system is in need or close to needing service, now is the perfect time.
An overloaded septic tank loses its ability to separate wastewater and solid waste, pushing solid material into the drainfield. This malfunction causes clogging and backups - two dreaded words for septic system owners.
On average, septic tanks require pump-outs every three to five years when the capacity reaches 30% - 50%.
2. Change Your Effluent Filter
Effluent filters are placed in the outlet end of the septic tank and assist in catching non-degradable materials before they go into your drainfield.
They do need to be replaced every so often. Set your septic system up for success by cleaning of changing out the used effluent filter with a new one.
3. Clean Your Yard
With the warm weather emerging, now is the time to go out and tidy up your yard.
Grab a few trash bags and clear any debris in your yard and landscape surrounding the septic tank and drainfield. Debris-ridden yards cause pooling of water, which leads to the disruption of the natural filtering ability of soil that is required to treat wastewater.
4. Avoid Non-Septic Safe Cleaning Products
Even small amounts of unsuitable cleaning products can deal a lot of damage to your septic tank and system. That's because microscopic, natural bacteria do most of the work in your septic tank.
For example, toss the chlorine bleach! There are plenty of natural and septic safe cleaning product replacements, so don't put the wrong chemicals down those drains.
5. Clear Out Gutters and Storm Drains
Along the same lines as cleaning up your yard, making sure your storm drains are clear of leaves, sticks and sediment helps to prevent rainwater from pooling in your yard. Dedicate an afternoon or weekend day to cleaning out your gutters and storm drains before the rains really start!
At Honey-Wagon, we deliver experienced, quality workmanship that will provide you with a clean and healthy septic tank system. Don't wait until your toilets and showers are backing up. Avoid disruption in your home or business by getting your septic tank pumped today.
Give us a call today at 913-681-3563 to schedule an appointment for our Kansas office or 816-525-5100 for our Missouri office.